Pioneer Review
Submitted by Don HaynesModern Woodmen of America members in Philip recently helped raise money for Kaden Nieman with a special fundraising event on Tuesday, May 28.The event, which included Walking Tacos and Free Will Donations., raised $4,092.00. This includes $1,000.00 matched by Modern Woodmen...
It was a great evening for a Matched Bronc Ride in Philip, Friday evening. A large crowd was on hand to watch some powerful horses try to rid the cowboys of their responsibility. A few cowboys witnessed a very short ride. The top eight cowboys in the first round of 25 riders advanced to the final...
The Stephanie Miller-Davis Library Grant Program was established to remember Stephanie while continuing her investment in children. Her family has partnered with the South Dakota Community Foundation by establishing a fund to support early childhood literacy in South Dakota with a focus on rural...
Philip Livestock held their annual Main Event Bull Day “All Breeds” Bull sale this past Tuesday. Over 20 consignors offered bulls for sale. Most of the offering were consignors who have been bringing their bulls for years to this event. This is the largest all-breeds bull sale in South Dakota....
Wednesday, April 24, became the Release Time community cleanup day for 2019. It was pushed back a week due to inclement weather. Every year, near the end of April, the Release Time students wrap up their programs by using their last day to give back and cleanup different areas of the community....
The Evangelical Free Church has called a new pastor. Chris Stewart drove the 1400 miles from sunny southern California to Philip over four days through California, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming and South Dakota with his wife, Christie, and two daughters, Hannah (7) and Abby (3). Stewart and his...
Three years ago ginnys opened their doors to the public. The little coffee shop quickly became a big hit, serving as a place of gathering for students after school, old and new friends catching up with a cup of coffee, a quick stop before work or a date for a husband and wife.On Saturday, March 23...
Saturday, March 9, Philip community members found themselves on the edge of their seats while Peter Vodenka told his story "Journey for Freedom," the ultimate version of an American dream. As a young boy, he read books and watched old western movies about America and always dreamed of one day being...
The Haakon/Jackson County 4-H Shooters Club held their weekly Thursday practice session at the American Legion Hall February 28th, and were greeted by many of the Forty and Eight members from the Philip Area. The Forty and Eight organization donates annually and provides the practice facility for...
There is a new face in the Philip city police car. Ben Buls has been hired and sworn in as an acting police officer.
Buls is a 1998 graduate of Philip High School and the son of Beth Flom, Midland, S.D. and the late William "Bill" Buls (of Philip, SD). Buls, his wife Sabrina, their two children;...