Murdo Coyote

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The agenda was reviewed and approved. Minutes were reviewed and approved. One building permit was received. It was approved. Dana Foreman from DGR was in attendance to review with the council the next steps on the Main street projects. He described the...
Photo by Barb Hockenbary Photography
The Jones County Coyotes played against the Lyman County Raiders on Tuesday, Jan. 28. The Coyotes lost, 53-44. However, on this night some time was taken to recognize the parents and family of the players as well as the cheerleaders. Parents of the girls basketball team will be recognized on Tues...
Photo courtesy of Travel South Dakota
Thirteen individuals and businesses were honored in Pierre for exemplary achievements in the tourism industry. Winners received their awards from Lt. Governor Larry Rhoden and James Hagen, Secretary of the Department of Tourism, on January 23, the final night of the 2025 South Dakota Governor’s...
Photo by Barb Hockenbary Photography
Thursday, Jan. 16   Bennett County 42 vs. Stanley County 71    Philip 37 vs. Crazy Horse 61   Lyman 69 vs. White River 50   Kadoka 64 vs. Jones County 50   Friday, Jan. 17   Philip 43 vs. Bennett County 53    White River 37 vs. Jones County 40   Crazy Horse 32 vs. Stanley County 67   Kadoka 63 vs....
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The council reviewed the agenda and approved it with an added executive session and other item. Minutes were reviewed and approved. Ashley Geigle was in attendance to give the council an update on the North Dam development meeting that was held on...
Sen. John Thune (R-South Dakota). Photo from Facebook
“Mr. President, last week, I received news that my high school basketball and track coach, Jerry Applebee, had died, and I want to take a moment here on the Senate floor to pay tribute to him.   “He was a deeply formative figure for me in my teenage years, setting an example for us players of hard...
Courtesy Photo
The historic 1880 Town was the perfect setting for the South Dakota Original 1880 Town Halloween Trick or Treat event. Several businesses and organizations from the surrounding area participated in this event. The staff of 1880 Town were instrumental in organizing this event. The evening was...
Courtesy Photo
“I’ve always been fascinated on the way fire lives and breathes, the way it moves through a drainage or how it scorches one ridge and not the other ridge, how wind can effect a fire’s path and the speed it travels.”, says Kasey Peters, Chief Firefighter with the Murdo Volunteer Fire Department and...
Jones County High School held their annual Jones County Christmas Concert for grades 7-12 on Tuesday, December 10. Performing were the 7th and 8th grade choir, Jazz Choir, high school choir, and 7th through 12th grade band. The following week the elementary school Christmas concert was held. More...
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The agenda was approved with a few additions. Last month’s meeting minutes were approved with a correction. There were a couple of building permits; each by two different people. One was to fix the foundation of a home, and the other one is for a new...


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