Philip Health Services plays a major roll along Highway 14 - Ready for whatever riders may bring with the 83rd Sturgis Motorcycle Rally

Major Highway 14, that intersects with Highway 73 and is close to Interstate 90, brings heavy traffic through the rural city of Philip during the summer months. This time of year, there is a substantial number of motorcycles wanting to travel the non-interstate roads and see the countyside. The community welcomes visitors and has the services necessary to take care of them. That traffic can bring mishaps and accidents on what is normally a relaxed road to travel. Fortunately, the city of Philip has many avenues of assistance. Philip is a full-service community that is centered with a hospital, clinic, and health care facility.
Philip Health Services along with their health care providers, registered nursing staff, and advanced trauma care training, ensures that the best care will be available when it is needed most.This local hospital has a full scope of diagnostic capabilities, lab, pharmacy, and partners with the region’s EMS services to provide leading edge pre-hospital care should a motorcycle accident happen near Philip.
“Having provided medical services to those injured as a result of motorcycle and vehicle accidents for many years now, we have the staff on hand and the experience necessary to be ready for any type of emergency,” said Maureen Cadwell- CEO Philip Health Services. The local emergency unit is backed by specialty care from Rapid City’s Monument Health Care, when needed.
“Although we are a small hospital, we have incredibly skilled trauma personnel and exceptional treatment options,” said Dr. Holman, serving 25 years at Philip Health Services. “We have the resources of a much larger healthcare facility so that we can provide the highest level of critical care for patents with life-threatening injuries and if necessary, we can transfer them out as well,” Said Holman.
The employees of Philip Health Services have handled many situations over the years, and their knoledge and experience has been proven time and time again.
“Having the level of professional staff on hand to effectively handle whatever comes through the door is a definitive strength,” said Holman. “I am proud to be a part of this community here and I would’t work anywhere else.” Many things have kept Dave Holman here in the community, for 25 years. “The variety of cases that come through the door at this health care facility, the staff, and the community, all played a big part,” said Holman.