Philip Area Community Foundation helps move American Legion Hall projects forward
The American Legion Wheeler-Brooks Post 173 in Philip received financial help from the Philip Area Community Foundation this past year. A total of $7,257.65 was granted to the Legion for new flooring, bar remodel, stage lighting update, and cooler replacement. Members of the Philip Area Community Foundation and Philip Charities met with American Legion members January 11th, during their monthly meeting to officially grant the financial help.
The Philip Area Community Foundation funds ongoing, well-established projects as well as projects designed to address existing community needs in innovative ways. The organization must be a “not-for-profit” organization in the Philip area. The purpose of the project should fulfill a community need and preferably involve tangible, measurable items, or projects.
The Philip Area Community Foundation has awarded other organizations in the Philip area over $50,000. Some of the organizations and projects include the Philip Garden Club, Philip Baseball Association, Haakon County Prairie Transportation, the Lake Waggoner campground, Bad River Sportsmen’s Club, Haakon/Jackson 4-H shooting sports, Philip High School music department, and Philip Chamber of Commerce.
Grant applications are available at the First National Bank in Philip, with a deadline of March 1st, to be considered for this year’s financial help.