Haakon School Board approves certified and classified contracts
The Haakon School Board met for their regular monthly meeting on Monday, April 12.
Those in attendance opened the meeting by reciting the pledge of allegiance. The Board approved the agenda, as well as the minutes from the March 8th meeting, the financial report as of March 31 and purchases.
There were no conflicts of interest per Superintendent Jeffrey Rieckman.
The Board approved Doug Hauk as the Head Golf Coach and accepted the resignations of Jana Jones as a Custodian and Matt Donnelly as Head Wrestling Coach.
Two homeschool exemptions were received, one for fourth grade and one for fifth grade.
The 2021-2022 Certified Contracts were approved with changes:
•Increase the base salary by $750 to $39,0000.
•Increase each certified teacher’s salary by $1,350.
•One additional personal day is added for those who have completed their fifteenth consecutive year.
The 2021-2022 Classified Negotiated Contracts were approved with changes:
•Increase each hourly wage by $.75.
•Add $200 to the fringe benefit package.
•One additional personal day is added for those who have completed their fifteenth consecutive year.
•When school is late or closed after the school day has begun, employees will be paid for the regularly scheduled work hours for that day, up to 12 hours for the year.
The 2021-2022 Health Nurse Contract was approved.
The 2021-2022 South Dakota High School Activities Association membership was approved.
The Joint Governing Board Resolution for Memorial Field Park was approved.
The Board approved the following items for surplus:
•32 computers
• 1 color printer/copier
The Board approved a Budget Supplement Resolution.
Coddy Gartner was present to provide the maintenance report. Gartner stated that the wind blew a cover off an air handler and that the repair is scheduled. Gartner also stated that a quote was received for the repair of the armory ceiling insulation.
The Board entered into executive session for personnel reasons, citing South Dakota Codified Law 1-25-2 (1). After exiting executive session, the Board approved the offering administrative contracts with the following salary increases:
•High School Principal: 3%
•Technology Coordinator: 3%
•Athletic Director: 3%
•Superintendent: 3%
•Elementary Principal: 3%
•Business Manager: $2,000
The full meeting minutes can be read in the Public Notices section in this issue of the Pioneer Review.