The North Dam picnic shelter with the fence poles.

Murdo City Council starts a new fiscal year

The Murdo City Council met in regular session on Monday, July 6. All board members were present including Matt Kinsley who after serving over 12 years on the council attended his last city council meeting as a member.

The council approved the minutes for last month and building permits for Jim Addison, Lori Waldron, and Monte Anker, as well as a tear down permit for Barb and Rusty Rust. They also approved vouchers and malt beverage licenses for the Lost Souls Tavern and the Star.

Jerry Hatheway gave the street report and said that he is still working on getting the speed limit sign working. He said there have been many phone calls and emails back and forth with the company that the city purchased it from. He said that if this final fix doesn’t work then they will send it back and get a whole new one. Discussions was also had about purchasing another one for the east side of the town.

Greg Miller addressed the board about a drainage issue between the pole barn and the old Malone house. Miller wanted to know what the options were as far as getting a drop inlet put in at a shared expense since it would be both on city land and his land. The city thought something could be worked out. Miller had already had the property surveyed, but the city thought they would get one for their benefit as well.

  Ray Erikson gave the water report and said that he and Hatheway had decided “to heck with it” and blocked the North Dam picnic shelter to prevent people from pulling up right there to camp.

   After several individuals’ yards were discussed in regards to needing to be cleaned up, the council discussed sending a mass letter to everyone owning property about a city wide clean up.

       The city had three people apply for the city police officer job and one for the restricted use site job. Officer applicants were Heath Harter, Jennings Newbold and  Jeff  Saunders.  The council hoped to start interviews soon.

The Pioneer Review

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