Feeding South Dakota Continues to Fight Hunger with Help from Local Volunteers

Anyone who happens to drive down Kadoka’s main strip on the morning of the third Monday of each month is bound to see the large semi parked in the parking lot of the gym, marked “Feeding South Dakota”. This program, greatly relying on the volunteers of each community, makes trips to not only Kadoka, Murdo, Pierre, and other locations each visit, they cover communities throughout the entire state of South Dakota, having a branch for both the east and the west sides of the state.
As per the Feeding South Dakota website, the “Mission, Visions, and Values” of this organization, is to end hunger in the Mount Rushmore state, simple as that.
“Our mission is to end hunger in South Dakota.”
“Our vision is a hunger-free South Dakota where everyone in need has access to nutritious food because freedom from hunger and good nutrition are critical to the future economic, social, and emotional health of our communities.”
“Our values at Feeding South Dakota.
•Collaboration and leadership with the nonprofit community, corporate, government and private partners working together to meet the needs of those who are hungry;
•Human dignity and respect for ALL;
•The public trust and responsibility placed in our care to meet our mission with urgency and action;
•A commitment to delivering nutritious foods to meet the needs of hungry people;
•The diversity of community-driven action to meet needs in creative ways;
•We value families and in all actions will support sustainability of families while addressing hunger needs; and
•Accountability to the public trust in advocating for and building sustainable, responsible, effective, fiscally efficient, and smart actions to meet hunger needs.”
The mobile food bank that visits Kadoka each month isn’t the only thing this organization provides, though. Feeding South Dakota coordinates Food Banks, Commodity Programs, and Child Hunger Programs as well, truly being on the front lines in the battle against hunger for every citizen of South Dakota.
“Feeding South Dakota, whose mission is to end hunger in South Dakota, is the state’s largest hunger-relief organization and has provided support and services to help end hunger across the state for almost 50 years.”
“Each month over 37,000 individuals facing hunger receive temporary food assistance from one or more of our programs. In FY21, Feeding South Dakota distributed nearly 14.8 million meals in the fight against hunger, supported by individual donors, community, corporate sponsors, non-profit agency partners, and volunteers. Operations are headquartered in Sioux Falls with additional distribution centers in Rapid City and Pierre. Feeding South Dakota fights hunger on behalf of children, seniors, and families every day.”
Feeding South Dakota would not be successful in their efforts to end hunger without the help of the many wonderful donors and volunteers that help keep this program well stocked and running smoothly.
Many members of the Kadoka community volunteer their time on these Mondays to make sure that each and every vehicle in line for the monthly stock receive what they’ve came for. You’re sure to see Mayor Harry Weller, Billie Jo Eisenbraun, Patrick Solon, Nathan Riggins, Chuck and Donna Enders, Jean Holtzkamp, and Sandra Eschenbacher donating their time by manually sorting items and loading vehicles each time the truck makes it’s trip, and each and every one of these individuals deserve our thanks and gratitude.
If you’re interested in helping, there are many ways to do so. The website states “For every $1 donated, Feeding South Dakota can provide 3 meals to those going hungry in our state.”
If donating is something that interests you, you can visit www.feedingsouthdakota.org to download and print a donation form, something the Kadoka Press would be more than willing to help with, and mail it to the Sioux Falls Office. Alternatively, you may speak to the Gift Processing Coordinator by calling (605) 335-0364. Some employers even offer donation matching programs, doubling your initial donation, so inquire with your employer and see if this is something they are willing to consider, or already offer.
If volunteering is something that interests you, a quick glance at the volunteer page on the website will help you in getting things lined up to do that as well. Both individual and group volunteers are welcome, and these opportunities can be searched for by both date, and location on the opportunities link provided on the webpage.
Give this information-filled website a visit for a chance to join “The Hunger Warriors”!