Winter storm brings travel in South Dakota to a halt second week in a row
Wed, 12/28/2022 - 11:40am
How does that song go?... Second verse same as the first, and so on. Two winter storms with less than a week between them certainly feels like the same tune has been on repeat. This harsh weather has many South Dakotans wondering what the next few months of winter will bring? When asked most feel we are in for a long, cold, snow-laden season.As the work piles up(literally) with many secondary roads still needing plowed, snow needing removed from parking areas, and corrals, frozen plumbing fixed and power restored(just to name a few), winter in South Dakota just got more expensive! Cities, Counties, those in Agriculture and everyone trying to keep their homes warm are seeing an increase in costs.This last storm brought less snowfall than the one previous, but more than made up for that with extreme subzero temps and very high winds. This combination caused dangerous blizzard conditions across the state stranding travelers for several days. Those lucky enough to find themselves able to reach a town along the highway or interstate filled hotels, homes of kind hearted strangers and make shift shelters in local community centers and gyms. Rescue efforts to reach stranded motorists were suspended and those experiencing power outages had to shelter in place to wait out the storm.By Thursday morning no travel advisories went out as highways, interstates and secondary roads were blocked with zero visibility. In addition to the public safety alert, county sheriff departments and state troopers followed up with warnings regarding travel when not advised in hopes of keeping everyone safe.As the weather began to calm throughout the day on Friday, crews worked their way across the state to clear highways, interstates, and restore power to those waiting. Road crews continued to work through most of the weekend clearing roadways ensuring safe travel for all those trying to reach their Christmas celebrations Saturday and Sunday.The weather forecast for the remainder of what we will call “the week after the storms” looks positively warm in the western portion of the state(all things considered) boasting above zero daytime highs and possibly some sunshine.As a dear old rancher from the faith prairie used to say, “you always have to pay for your moisture.” Which is what we may very well be doing now. Time will tell, while tall green grass, full dams and happy livestock will hopefully be proof next spring.In the meantime stay safe, stay warm and prepare for more winter weather. As we usher in the new year, take some time to reflect on this last year while looking forward to new opportunities.