Plat and building permit approved for new dollar store, Brown & Lemmel elected officers

Following a lengthy executive session on May 3rd to interview for various positions for the information center and swimming pool,  Dianne Hellekson, Nathan Stern and Rachel Shalla took their Oath of Office. 
Robin Korth, candidate for Meade County Treasurer, introduced herself and gave a little background. She has worked in the Meade County Office for almost twenty years so she has a lot of experience. There are only 4 employees in the office, but they have several kiosks around the county.
Mike Macle presented the plat and building permit on behalf of the developer for a new Dollar General store that will sit on 1.3 acres on the east edge of town. He stated that the owner had also built the one in Newell and Black Hawk. They haven’t closed on the property yet as the plat, etc. hasn’t been filed with the county. Construction should begin towards the end of this month, once all the paperwork is done, and is expected to be completed the end of August. Jon Collins said everything is good to go and he has ordered the wiring to run to connect with the city.
Council approved Resolution #05-03-22-01 Plat, and also the building permit for the new store, and Mayor Haines and Finance Officer Debbie Brown signed the paperwork. 
Council approved the crew for the Enning Ambulance, and the wage schedule for them under the Memorandum of Understanding.
As usual at the beginning of their new year, depositories and legal newspaper were designated, First National Bank and Dakota Plains FCU  and Faith Independent. Jeff Brown was elected president and Brad Lemmel was elected vice president for the year. Committee appointments were tabled at the time.
Debbie explained that it is time again to redo the gym floor.  They need to recoat it as they only put on a thin coat last year when they did it. They had trouble scheduling a time but set it for June 15th. It will take two days but has to sit for a couple weeks. Council approved the work at a cost of $4800.
Members discussed the Personnel Manual with three options  and tabled it, but added in the portion pertaining to holidays. They will review and discuss it further at their May 17th meeting.
Council will recognize May 15-21 as EMS Week with a proclamation.
Members approved the 2nd Reading of Ordinance #350 Budget Increase for the library for their grant.
The leasing of land and haying were discussed. Mayor Haines felt that nothing had changed as far as moisture to need to advertise for leasing, but will advertise for haying city properties as it has to be done anyhow. 
Debbie and Shalyn were approved to attend Finance Officers School in Huron on June 8-10. 
Stern asked if they would pay for chain and wood for the shooting range. They approved $200 for purchase at the lumber yard.
They closed their meeting with an executive session for possible litigation.

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