Mandy Lemmel 2019 Region 8 Coach of the Year
Wed, 12/04/2019 - 9:01am

FHS Varsity Volleyball Coach Mandy Lemmel has again for the second year in a row been chosen as the South Dakota Region 8 Volleyball Coach of the Year by the South Dakota Volleyball Coaches Association.Coach Lemmel has been leading the Lady Longhorn’s since 2015. In that time she has guided the Longhorns to the State Volleyball Tournament the last three years in a row. Over the last five years she has celebrated 113 wins and 49 losses with her team. The last two years have ended with 64 wins and 7 losses.For the 2019 season in particular Coach Lemmel and her team have experienced 32 wins and 5 losses, ending the 2019 State Tournament with a 6th place win.Mandy is a native of Dickinson, North Dakota where her high school team won the State title her senior year. Mandy moved on to college with a recruitment scholarship, playing setter position for Black Hills State University for four years. This is also where she met her husband Brad and ultimately brought her to Faith.When asked what drew her to coaching the Lady Longhorns, Mandy said, “I was very blessed with the coaches I had during my years of play. I wanted to share that positive experience and instill the love of volleyball in our players at FHS.”Congratulations Coach Lemmel! Your community is proud of you and you FAITHfull dedication to your team.