Ladies Medical Organization keeping track of birthdays and anniversaries while supporting local medical services
Wed, 11/06/2019 - 9:52am

In 1966 the Hospital Auxiliary was organized with about 30 members and was active until the hospital closed in 1973. The clinic portion of the business was reopened in 1975 under Northwest South Dakota Rural Health Services. In January of 1976 the Hospital Auxiliary reorganized under the name of Faith Ladies Medical Organization(LMO), with 12 members.
Over the decades leadership has changed hands and member numbers have dipped, but that has not kept the LMO from continuing to produce a birthday/anniversary calendar each year and in turn donating or contributing to the purchase of much needed items for our community.
Marge Hoffman who was a member during the reorganization in 1976 passed the birthday/anniversary calendar duties on to Michele Hulm in April of 2012 when she moved to Rapid City, SD.
The birthday/anniversary calendar is how the LMO raises money to continually aid our local medical entities with the donation of needed items or monetarily to help purchase larger items needed.
To have your birthdays or anniversaries listed on the calendar the cost is 50 cents per birthday or anniversary. You are also welcome to purchase ad space on the calendar for a cost of $20.00 per ad(this also includes a calendar brought to you after printing). If you would like to purchase a calendar the cost is $5.00 per calendar.
Every penny that is contributed to the calendar is donated towards our local medical entities, having access to medical care in our area is very important. Some of the items that have been purchased with the money are:
• Three chairs for the Faith Clinic
• Bariatric blood pressure cuffs for the Faith Clinic
• Power cot for Faith Ambulance Service
• Immunization refrigerator for the Faith Clinic
• GPS for Faith Ambulance Service
• Computerized manikins with read out for the Faith Ambulance Service and West Winds Home Health. These manikins with an electric readout are now required by the American Heart Association to ensure proper CPR training. They tell you if you are giving chest compressions at the proper rate(100 - 120 bpm) and the correct depth.
There is a CPR class each month for anyone who needs to recertify or would like to become certified. You can contact the City office to sign up for these classes.
All of this would not be possible without all of the contributions from you in the community.
Michele does work on the calendar year round to keep it up to date. Please contact Michele for any additions or updates to the calendar as she is not able to reach out to everyone.
The calendar is a great service for everyone to have access to and a great way to support your community.
If anyone is interested in helping out or even taking over the project, please feel free to reach out to Michele Hulm.