S.D. to celebrate 2022 School Board Recognition Week

South Dakota School Board Recognition Week is the time to recognize the men and women who dedicate their time and energy to serving on your locally elected school board.
The week of celebration is set for February 21-25 and Associated School Boards of South Dakota is encouraging school districts and communities to recognize their school board members for their service.
“The week presents all of us the opportunity to show our appreciation for the work of public school board members,” ASBSD Executive Director Wade Pogany said.
“We want to celebrate the elected leaders of public school districts for their tireless service to the students, staff members and communities they serve.”
Gov. Kristi Noem signed an Executive Proclamation earlier this month declaring the upcoming week as South Dakota School Board Recognition Week.
ASBSD is a private, non-profit association representing more than 850 South Dakota school board members, the 149 schools they govern and the students they serve.