Photo by Jesse SchoonPhoto by Jesse SchoonPhoto by Jesse Schoon

4-H events in April

On April 13, the 4-H club had a meeting at the Jones County school Tech room. At this meeting there were 12 4-Hers and six parent leaders who participated. At the meeting the club discussed how they had liked the 4-H project day of making jam with Faye Chambliss. Everyone had really enjoyed the time of learning how to preserve berries by jamming them, which was part of this year’s incentive project; Food Preservation. The Prairie Rangers 4-H club was presented Pheasants Forever information by guest speaker Dee Hendricks. We learned that the Pheasants Forever banquet is a fun event in Draper scheduled for May 4th. Activities include games, a meal, raffle ticket drawings, and an auction. Pheasants Forever is inviting the 4-H members to serve food at the event. The Prairie Rangers voted to participate in banquet set up, serving the meal, clean up and take down.
Youth in Action took place after the 4-H club meeting April 13.  Youth in Action is when 4-Hrs are given the chance to give presentations about things interested or want to specialize in. There were 8 participants who gave presentations at this event. We appreciated our two judges, Beverly Ball and Tammy Van Dam. Each 4-Her would receive a ribbon placing, depending on how thorough and well-done their presentation was overall. The top presenter of each 4-H age group received a top purple rosette ribbon; Senior division - Tristen Host-Public Speaking – Scholarship, Junior division - Jesse Schoon- Illustrated Talk – 4-H Visual Arts, Beginner division - Weston Tatum – Illustrated Talk – Archery Safety.
The next day, April 14, the 4-Hers were challenged with their cooking abilities with Iron Chef. Members were given surprise ingredients the week before and had to come up with a recipe which would include, said ingredients. Ten 4-H members participated.  Thank you to judges Sydney Kinsley and Sophie McKenzie. The top winners were; Senior division - Easton Newsam – Chicken Thigh, Onion, Red Pepper Flakes, Junior division - Julia Kinsley – Ground Pork & Lime, Beginner division - Mason Martinez – Squash.
Stay tuned for more 4-H news. The next club meeting will be May 15, 2024 at the Jones County Sportman’s Gun Club.

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