Celebrating National Newspaper Week October 1-7

We are in a world of all kinds of news at our fingertips. Some days it is right in front of our eyes, and we can believe whatever we want as there are journalists out there wanting to win the world over with their “firsthand” knowledge of issues. What we do with that information is up to us.
We publish newspapers! Our community newspapers keep you updated on school, city, and county happenings, along with other local news. We have been doing that for years.
At Ravellette Publications we are celebrating our 60th year of weekly newspaper ownership. In January 1963 the Ravellette family purchased its first newspaper. Have we done everything correctly, not a chance, but we do give you the best coverage possible with the resources we have. One of our biggest challenges in past years was the Covid years and we did not miss an issue.
Within the pages of our newspapers, you will find photos of your children, grandchildren, or neighbor kids that are in sports, music, academic contests, and other school and local activities. We are very proud of that coverage. You can read information from the city, school, and county as they publish their meeting minutes and notices every month.
As we celebrate National Newspaper Week, I want to celebrate it with our readers, and thank you for subscribing to our news. We print an issue of each of our five weekly newspapers 52 times a year. We are fortunate to be able to print our own newspapers and we have not deviated from publishing and mailing newspapers every week. Most daily newspapers have reduced the number of days a week they print and use online newspapers on the off days. Even some weekly newspapers have become online only. We utilize both print and mail through the US Postal Service and online subscriptions.
The public’s right to know is very important. Every newspaper that we own is a legal newspaper for its city, school, and county. We have the responsibility to publish legal notices for those and other entities along with other legal documents. It is a responsibility we do not take lightly. We have the records from our newspapers going back to the early 1900s. Not a year goes by that someone doesn’t come in and want to check out some fact that was printed years ago in the legal notices of our newspapers regarding city, school, or county issues.
I encourage you to keep reading newspapers. Celebrate with us, the public’s right to freedom of the press, and keep reading about your local government issues every week in our newspapers.
On behalf of our hard working staff in all our communities, I thank you for believing in newspapers and those who are responsible for publishing them.
Don Ravellette, Publisher