Photo by Tracie Crawford Back row from left: Tate Eisenbraun, Wynn Schacck, Cash Wilson, and Trey Elsere; front row from left: Emilee Pauley, Trista Reinert, Shelby Ruland and Jaicee Williams

BHSS 20X Extreme Rodeo showcase 2018

Eight Wall High School Rodeo athletes have been invited to compete at the BHSS 20X EXTREME RODEO which showcases South Dakota High School rodeo talent.
The event and the athletes are: Saddle Bronc: Cash Wilson and Trey Elshere; Steer Wrestling: Tate Eisenbraun; Team Roping: Wynn Schaack; Break Away: Jaicee Williams; Goat Tying: Emilee Pauley; Barrels: Shelby Ruland; and Pole Bending: Trista Reinert.
To be invited to compete, the student had to be in the top three places on points at the end of the 2017 SDHSRA season in their respective region based on the year end point total from regions and state. Three students are invited from each region in each event and can compete in one event only. The rodeo is January 28th, Sunday, at 1:00 pm at the Black Hills Stock Show.

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