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2023 East Pennington Annual Awards Banquet held on Jan. 21st

The annual awards banquet was postponed due to some very chilly weather this year. Our four award winners and other attendees were glad to arrive all smiles on a warm afternoon a week later.
The Wall Golf Course catered a delicious steak supper with all of the trimmings and local baker Cindy Weaver provided three types of cheesecake for dessert. 
Some special guests beyond our outstanding award winners were Wall Mayor, Mary Williams and Area Director Philip Wilson.
Farmstead Award sponsor was First Interstate Bank of Wall, representative Bret Blasius who had presented a gorgeous farmstead picture to the Bowen family. 
The Natural Resources Award sponor was Dakota Mill and Grain of Wall, SD who had representative Cassidy Sawvell who presented a $400 training gift certificate to Zeb Lytle.
EPCD Chairman Elden Helms presented Dwight Paterson the Shelterbelt award and Tanner and Kim Handcock the Backyard Conservation award. Each family received the EPCD All Weather Rain Gauges.
The NRCS District Conservationist Lynn Schell was honored for her 37 years of outstanding service to the East Pennington area. 


The Pioneer Review

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