Murdo Coyote
Wet and cold weather in 2019 have created a dangerous situation this year for South Dakota farmers who store grain in bins, heightening a risk of entrapment or death that has existed on farms for generations.
The number of reported grain entrapments across the country rose by 27% from 2018 to 2019...
In the minutes this week is Resolution 2020-20 that outlines a plan for the City of Murdo businesses and residents to start opening using safety measures for themselves and their patrons. The City Council thanks every business for using precaution and being innovative at this trying time. They...
The Atlas Blizzard in 2013 reminded us of the importance of cattle brands, after cattle had wandered, crossed fences, and died during that devastating snow storm. After the blizzard, cattle brands became important in Western South Dakota in a way they hadn’t been needed since the days of the Open...
The closure of major pork processing plants across the U.S., including the massive Smithfield Foods plant in Sioux Falls, has state officials and pork producers in South Dakota planning for the worst — the potential euthanization of thousands of hogs that cannot be sold.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic...
Demand for food assistance among needy South Dakota residents has skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic, and donations of food and the volunteers needed to help distribute it are becoming harder to find.
So far, the food collection and delivery systems in South Dakota have kept up and most...
Demand for food assistance among needy South Dakota residents has skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic, and donations of food and the volunteers needed to help distribute it are becoming harder to find.
So far, the food collection and delivery systems in South Dakota have kept up and most...
Why do you need to wear cloth face coverings?
In light of new data about how COVID-19 spreads, along with evidence of widespread COVID-19 illness in communities across the country, CDC recommends that people wear a cloth face covering to cover their nose and mouth in the community setting. This is...
More than 160 municipal and county officials have signed a letter requesting Governor Noem to declare a public health emergency.“We believe this declaration would allow more options for the Governor and our local governments who are on the front lines,” stated Yvonne Taylor, Executive Director...
The COVID-19 pandemic has turned a bad situation for South Dakota beef producers into a crisis in which low market prices and corresponding revenue losses may force some ranchers into bankruptcy.
Beef producers are seeing what in January was an $80 profit on each animal sold fall to a $75 loss per...