Murdo Coyote

Paul Thomas
Crews have been working hard on the construction of a new bridge over the Big White on Highway 83 12 miles south of Murdo. Check out the progress!1. Cofferdam (from the Oxford dictionary): A cofferdam is a watertight enclosure pumped dry to permit construction work below the waterline, as when...
Photo by Creative Juices Productions, Albuquerque, N.M.
With his unique facial hair, kind blue eyes, and approachable personality, Rob Louder is well known in Jones County. He and his wife, Penny have a ranch northeast of Draper, S.D., and like so many others in the area, they enjoy living on the prairie and running about 50 head of cattle. Rob is also...
Many people who rent homes or apartments in South Dakota are hurting financially during the pandemic, causing large numbers of renters to ask for public assistance or charitable help to stave off eviction and maintain a stable residence. More than twice as many South Dakotans have looked to...
Photo by Barb Hockenbary Photography
Note from the editor; I had several people reach out to me to ask if the Murdo Coyote would publish the speeches  from the graduation ceremony on July 27. Here they are for your reading pleasure! Dylan Iwan, Valedictorian Well, despite the world’s best efforts, we’re all still here. I find it...
Photo courtesy of Stephanie Petersony
The COVID-19 pandemic and resulting fears over the stability of the American large-scale food production industry have pushed more consumers toward locally grown and raised meats and vegetables, and so far, South Dakota producers of homegrown foods have been unable to keep up. Demand for locally...
Courtesy Photo
Chief of Police Heath Harter:   “Lee and I graduated from Riggs High School together. My brother-in-law was a close friend of his and the two joined the military together and did two tours overseas together. When I became a police officer, Lee gave me advice while at the academy and after.   Lee’s...
Photo by Krisanna Thomas
Representative Dusty Johnson stopped at the Covered Wagon in Murdo on Thursday, July 9 to visit with locals. He discussed, and received local’s feedback, on numerous subjects such as country of origin labeling on beef, kids returning to school this fall, another Covid-19 response package, and his...
Courtesy photo
“The most memorable parts were the announcement of the  president and his wife, Air Force One flying over us and the  president’s speech on coming together as a nation. I was humbled to be present at an event where I was in the presence of the man who holds the highest honor in our Nation.” -...
For weeks now, we have been witnessing a troubling turning point in our nation’s history. We moved from calls for reform to violent riots and looting. Now, we’re witnessing a radical movement committed to undoing our nation’s history. Make no mistake, this movement has nothing to do with equality...
Editor’s note: This article is the first of three parts of a special report by South Dakota News Watch. The “Small Towns — Big Challenges” series was supported in part by a grant from the COVID-19 Local News Relief Fund Grant Program sponsored by Facebook. Parts two and three will appear over the...


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