Murdo Coyote
The Gumbo Ridge Wagon Train was held on June 18 and 19, 2021 in Murdo, S.D. People travelled to our little crossroads town from 11 states to participate in the event; Nebraska, Colorado, California, Montana, Wyoming, Oklahoma, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, and of course many South Dakotans....
Bud Manke and Peggy Martin, co-owners of Cedar Creek Gardens for 10 years, hosted a gardening workshop that was sponsored by South Central RC&D on Monday, June 7. Cedar Creek Gardens is located two miles east and nine miles south of 1880 Town, off I90, near the White River and sits on about...
On Jan. 13, 1928, Willhite soared into history as South Dakota’s first woman pilot. “Up and up, to a height of about 6,000 feet, she went soaring around above the field, banking, turning, diving and climbing. After about 10 minutes, she brought the ship gently to earth in a perfect landing,...
The Jones County Community Foundation gave a generous donation and helped us to improve our equipment in the Community Weight Room. A new functional trainer and some free weights were purchased. The weight room has had a positive impact in our community, and is used frequently by our middle...
Rural ambulance services in South Dakota are having an increasingly hard time recruiting volunteers and generating revenues, putting the stability of the services at risk and making it more likely that rural residents will endure longer response times in emergencies or possibly lose ambulance...
This is part three of a three part series.The manager of the bull ring told the Dakotans. "I’ll bet you $500 El Cuco (the matador) kills your buffalo." Bob Yokum, who was a sport, retorted, “I’ll give you a better bet than that. I’ll bet you $5OO the buffalo kills Cuco.'' Next Sunday’s program was...
This is part two of a three part series.We left off last week with the US buffalo, Pierre, lying in the warm sunshine in the center of the bull ring in Juarez, Mexico. Then, with a reverberating roar, into the arena shot the finest, fastest-stepping bull in all of Mexico, a handsome red fighting...