Jones County 4-H Horse Show

4-H horse project leaders provide a safe, supportive environment for youth to practice important life skills while they explore the world of horses and ponies. Those skills include planning, organizing, communicating and relating with others, along with learning to learn. All of these skills will assist those youth involved when it comes time for them to make wise decisions as an adult.
The combined Mellette and Jones County 4-H Horse show was held at the White River Arena Tuesday, May 29, 2018. Judge Eris Tanner was on hand to put local horsemen through the paces with the assistance of Kaycee Jones and Ann Geisler. In Sr. Western Showmanship, Trayer Schmidt earned a top purple for Mellette County, Tanner Willert a top purple for Jones County, Austin Olson a blue, Wyatt Olson a purple, and Tashina Red Hawk a blue. In Junior Western Showmanship, Rhone Schmidt received a top purple for Mellette County and Sage Waldron top purple for Jones County. Red ribbons were awarded to Kamaria Krogman and Jett Nix. Beginner Western Showmanship had a great group of competitors. Top purple went to Taylor Krogman from Mellette County, Hazin Schmidt received a purple, Easton Newsam a blue, and Emmy Newsam and Jace Nix both red ribbons.
Equitation: Senior Stock Seat, Tashina Red Hawk and Tanner Willert received red ribbons and Trayer Schmidt received a blue. The Junior Stock Seat Equitation Class had Jett Nix and Rhone Schmidt receiving blue ribbons and Sage Waldron a red. Beginner Stock Seat had Jace Nix receiving a top purple, Hazin Schmidt a purple and Emmy Newsam a blue.
Senior Reining had Tanner Willert with a red ribbon.
Performance: Ranch Riding, which was added for the 2016 4-H season is still a new class for our competitors, but again they rose to the challenge. Senior Tanner Willert earned a top purple ribbon and Junior Emmy Newsam a top purple. The Senior Trail Class consisted of Trayer Schmidt with a purple, Tanner Willert blue and Tashina Red Hawk a red ribbon. Jr. Trail Riding had 2 competitors, with both Kamaria Krogman and Rhone Schmidt both earning purple ribbons. Our Beginners had Emmy Newsam receiving our top purple for Jones County, Taylor Krogman and Hazin Schmidt both purples, and Jace Nix a red.
The day closed out with timed events. Austin Olson earned a top purple, and Tashina Red Hawk earned a purple ribbon in Sr. Barrels, with Wyatt Olson and Tanner Willert having no-times. In the Jr. Division, Jace Nix received a top purple for Jones County, Jett Nix and Kamaria Krogman both purples, Hazin Schmidt, Sage Waldron and Taylor Krogman received blues, and Emmy Newsam a red. In Junior Pole Bending, we had Austin Olson earning a purple ribbon, Kamaria Krogman, Jace and Jett Nix receiving blue ribbons, and Taylor Krogman, Emmy Newsam and Wyatt Olson red ribbons. In the Flag Race, Emmy Newsam received our top purple, Jace Nix and Hazin Schmidt white ribbons.
In the Senior Breakaway, Austin Olson roped his calf fast for a top purple ribbon and Wyatt Olson received a purple. Trayer Schmidt had some tough luck and came up with a white ribbon.
Judge Eris Tanner presented a special sportsmanship award for the 4-H’er who showed the most dedication and overcame adversity. It was awarded to Emmy Newsam.
Thank you all of the 4-H parents and families for helping make the day a success and for jumping in and assisting where needed.