Enhancement District To Review Zoning And Planning Language; Highway 73 Sewer Project Commences
Wed, 11/18/2020 - 10:19am

By Elizabeth “Liz” Meighen
The City Council conducted its monthly meeting on Nov. 9 via Zoom, a “cloud-based video communications” application. Council members virtually attending the meeting included Tim Huffman, Rusty Olney, Eileen Stolley, Tia Stout, and Ryan Willert. Council members Chris Grillo and Harry Weller were unable to join the meeting.
Council President, Stolley, called the meeting to order and the Council approved the agenda for the evening’s meeting and meeting minutes for the Oct. 12 regular meeting and Oct. 29 special meeting. LaTasha Buchholz, city finance officer, submitted invoices for review and received approval for payments. Buchholz presented October 2020 financial reports to the Council. The financial reports include departmental revenue, expenses and bank account balances as of Oct. 31. The Council approved the reports by a roll call vote.
In matters of new business, the Council reviewed bids submitted for heating and vehicle fuel for 2021 from Discount Fuel, Kadoka Oil, LLC and Midwest Cooperative. The Council accepted bids from Kadoka Oil, LLC for liquid propane gas, and Discount Fuel for number one and number two diesel fuel and unleaded gasoline. A roll call vote was cast by all council members in favor of Kadoka Oil, LLC, for liquid propane gas, and Discount Fuel for number one and number two diesel fuels and unleaded gasoline. Stout abstained from both votes.
The Council reviewed a drawing submitted by Joe Handrahan indicating the intended location of culverts on property located on state Highway 248 with proposed points of ingress and egress on Elm Street. The Council discussed the matter and agreed, for this and future projects, to install 20 feet of culvert at no charge to the property owner. Any lengths greater than 20 feet shall be at the expense of the property owner.
David Reiss, executive director for the Central South Dakota Enhancement District, addressed the Council regarding ordinances. Reiss recapped the amendments to the ordinances and adoption of the 2021 budget, noting completion of the first and second readings followed by publication then adoption. The amendments allow the City to more readily enforce violations of Title 7—Health and Sanitation. Next, he stressed reviewing the language appearing in proposed planning and zoning ordinances, updated approximately six years ago. They must align with current South Dakota Codified Law governing municipalities and current ordinances. Reiss suggested the City adopt the new International Building Code as part of the ordinances in order to obtain funding through state and federal programs, a requirement by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. In order to review the plans, Reiss requested the City enter into an agreement for costs and administrative expenditures incurred in association with the review process through public hearings on the matter. Reiss believes there will be, “a need to have significant conversation with citizens in part of a democratic process, as it should be.” He hopes to present the agreement and drafts amending the language for Council to review during the December monthly meeting.
The Council received departmental reports, beginning with discussion regarding code enforcement. The Council requested Code Enforcement Services be contacted and requested a representative attend the next meeting. Since the passing of ordinances relating to Title 7—Health and Sanitation, the measures to correct deficiencies on a property enables code enforcement officers to effectively enforce corrective actions including removing abandoned automobiles, mowing property with tall grass or other means of correcting violations.
In October, the Council awarded a project bid to H & W Contracting, LLC, Sioux Falls, to replace failing sewer lines servicing numerous businesses on state Highway 73. H & W plans a Dec. 31 completion date at a cost of $598,531. The Council concurred it in the best interests of the City to timely fix the issues in order to prevent future interruption of service, to reduce labor costs to restore interrupted service and to prevent any project delays leading into the 2021 tourist season. The location features two hotels, two restaurants and other businesses heavily reliant upon the antiquated sewer system. Willert reported progress continues at a steady rate with hopes to finish the project as projected. Willert informed the Council that he visited with other area municipalities regarding installation of concrete pits to house water meters. The Council concluded that the property owner must pay for installation of a concrete meter pit to house the meter, which transmit water usage via a radio frequency transmitter, for installation of new water service. The pit must be readily accessible to public work employees, not enclosed in a basement or mechanical room, and installed by a plumber licensed by the South Dakota Plumbing Commission.
Huffman authorized the purchase of gravel for fill on city streets. Patrick Solon, public work department informed the Council the blade to clear snow still presents problems. Huffman advised replacing the blade before it quits working during the busy winter season. The City plans to post the snow removal ordinance in the next edition of the Kadoka Press.
Forrest Davis, public safety director, provided the Council with the departmental report. He reported an ordinance restricts dynamic braking within the city limits. Davis stated that signs need to be posted and Huffman advised that the City request the South Dakota Department of Transportation install signs to that effect on state roadways. Davis stated that he has been
patrolling state Highway 73, Poplar Street and the truck route on Ninth Avenue. Stolley noted the discussion came about after discussing the problems with trucks speeding and implementing dynamic braking to reduce speed. Davis also reported that the in-car radar system only captures readings when the patrol vehicle is parallel to the roadway in essence obtaining readings from motor vehicles traveling in front of or behind the patrol vehicle. He requested and received authorization to purchase an in-car radar system that allows the patrol vehicle to obtain readings from vehicles traveling perpendicular to the patrol vehicle.
The next Council meeting is scheduled for Dec. 14 at 7 p.m. Please refer to the City website at www.kadokasd.com for further information regarding the location or means of which the meeting shall be conducted during the pandemic.
Please refer to Legal Notices in the Classified Section for official meeting minutes.