Council Conducts Second Reading of Planning & Zoning, Approves Ordinances
Wed, 08/18/2021 - 10:03am
By Elizabeth “Liz” Meighen
The Kadoka City Council conducted its regularly scheduled, monthly meeting on August 9. Council Members attending the meeting included Chris Grillo, Tim Huffman, Rusty Olney, Eileen Stolley, Tia Stout, Harry Weller and Ryan Willert.
After Mayor Weller called the meeting to order, the Council modified the agenda to include an executive session at the conclusion of the meeting. After approving the modified agenda, they approved the minutes for the regularly scheduled July 12 meeting. The Council also approved meeting minutes of the July 19 special meeting held for a public hearing on planning and zoning ordinances. David Reiss, executive director for the Central South Dakota Enhancement District, provided an “overview of the plan.” Kadoka residents attending the meeting provided input and asked questions. Another special meeting was conducted on July 26 to determine the source of the water supply line to accommodate the new Jackson County Highway Department, in addition to conducting the first reading of the planning and zoning ordinances and projecting departmental expenses for the 2022 budget.
LaTasha Buchholz, finance officer, submitted invoices to the Council for review, discussion and unanimous approval by a roll call vote. She presented July 2021 financial reports that included departmental revenues and expenditures along with bank account balances as of July 31. The Council approved the financial reports and statements for July 2021.
Before proceeding to matters of new business, as established by the meeting agenda, the Council offers “Citizen’s Input,” providing residents the opportunity to present concerns, opinions or ask questions. The agenda further notes that “items will be heard but no action will be taken.” The City encourages both individual property owners and local business owners to attend the Council meetings and participate in matters of local government. For individuals seeking Council action, the individual must contact the Finance Office and request placement on the upcoming meeting agenda in matters of new business. The City requires a minimum notice of 24 hours to be placed on the upcoming meeting agenda.
In matters of new business, the Council conducted the second reading of the planning and zoning ordinances then unanimously approved the ordinances. Reiss informed the Council that the CSDED planned to increase annual dues by five percent. He also asked the Council how they planned to address the state medical marijuana laws, effective July 1, on a local level. After discussion, the Council determined it to be in the best interests of the City to consult with the city’s attorney and address it at the next Council meeting.
The Council received departmental reports, starting with the water and sewer department. The Council was informed that the large water tower needed timely repairs as a frost pipe has fallen away from the tower. Maguire Iron, Inc., Sioux Falls, completes an annual review of the local water towers and submitted a quotation for the repairs. The Council awarded the bid for the repairs to Maguire with plans to complete the repairs in conjunction with the annual inspection.
Public works department employee Patrick Solon provided the report for the city’s street department. Simons Paving applied a chip sealed surface to numerous streets in Kadoka during the 2021 paving project. Potholes were the next item of discussion and Solon plans to obtain the materials to repair the potholes that appeared after Simons chip sealed the city streets. Solon told the Council of plans to trim branches that impair driver’s views and fall onto city streets. Paint has been ordered for cross walks and will be applied to streets at the school and its gymnasium and the city park. Solon also noted that he planned to get a quotation for the sprinkler system at the ballpark to present at the next Council meeting.
The Kadoka City Bar plans to hold the annual fish fry and testicle festival on Saturday, September 11.
The next monthly meeting of the Kadoka City Council is scheduled for September 13 at 7 p.m. at the Finance Office. The public is invited and encouraged to attend the meetings.