Library Summer Reading Program

The Faith Public/School Library is hosting Summer Reading on Tuesdays and Thursdays for children grades Prekindergarten through 5th. Tuesday, May 29, FHS Student Dillion Smith shared his musical talents on the acoustic and electric guitars. Thirty youth enjoyed listening to music, asked questions and took a group picture with Dillion. Participants made a paper guitars then asked Dillion to sign their guitars. On Thursday, more string instruments like the harp and violin was shared and participants made a harp. We had woodwind instruments on Tuesday, June 4th, and will have horns this Thursday, June 7th.
The teen program is on Tuesday evenings from 5-7 pm and Adult Program on Monday evenings from 6-8 pm. The following events are coming up:
June 11: Cake Decorating Class 5-8 pm
June 18: Scrapbooking 5-8 pm
June 26: South Dakota Humanities Council One Book Reading South Dakota - 6-7 pm. Please pick up your book and have read prior to discussion. All books are due back after discussion on Wednesday, June 27.
June 28: Music Talent Night from 5-8 pm (please sign up by June 22)
The Summer Reading Program is sponsored by Morgan/Naslund Fund, Roberts O'Shea American Auxiliary and Faith Booster Club