South bus route is a possibility
Wed, 03/20/2024 - 10:48am
There is a possibility of six families using the route if it happens. One of the families said if their children had to get on to early they would continue to haul their children. If a bus route is established to the south and their children were assigned to that route they would no longer get paid mileage from the assigned pickup point to town. A committee of Mr Shipley, Chris Veal and Myron Lemer will be doing some research to iron out the details and bring it back to the board. Currently parents get paid 51¢ a mile mileage the first 5 miles from the home is not included on the mileage.
AD Laura Homes and Golf Coach Jeffrey Johnson brought the golf marker issue before the board again, as golf season is starting. The golf marker would keep score and any other information that needs to be kept on the course at Regionals and State Meets. The board agreed to pay the 2 needed markers $100 a day for Regionals and State Meets.
Contracts were approved for Janice Acosta SEPA Science Club Advisor, Nathaniel Lamoreno SEPA Science Club Advisor, Sandy Shipley SEPA Science Club Advisor,Alisa Costello SEPA Science Club Advisor these salaries are paid through the SEPA Grant tha the school has received. Julia Brixey Academic Olympics Coach, Jeffrey Johnson Head Golf Coach, Brad Burkhalter Head Track Coach, Sean Sweet Assistant Track Coach, Angie thompson KBJM Quiz Bowl Coach. Angie Thompson was given another year contract as Business Manager.
Dr Shipley resigned as Girls Head Basketball Coach.
Brand Besler resigned his board position for health reasons. The board went into executive session and when they came out they appointed Will Besler to fulfill the rest of the current term, it is up for election in 2025.
City Air Mechanical a Plumbing company from Dickinson, North Dakota will be coming to repair some of the boilers, sink in the fax room, the disposal in the kitchen, ice machine/sink leaking and a drain is backing up. They should be able to complete the list in one day.
House of Glass has been contacted to replace the door handle into the board room from the entry. The locks on the fax room door are failing and will be worked on.
Chapman’s Electronic Shop recently installed a battery backup for computers, cameras and doors in case of a power outage.
There will be a school election on April 9th with Arla Kopren and Myron Lemer running for a three year position. Election workers will be shared with the city fot the town location, Joyce Aukland, Helen Aaker and Penny Lemburg. The Prairie City location will have Marilynn Carr, Roxie Seaman and Lois Eggebo as officials.
The Board representative for the Equalization meeting is Mike Stadler.
See School Board minutes on page 8