Peacock attends Quigley Shoot
Thu, 09/05/2019 - 8:38am

Russ Peacock recently traveled to Forsyth, Montana to compete in the 2019 Quigley Buffalo Rifle Match. Rifles used at this match are close or exact copies of the rifles used in the late 1800’s when the buffalo were hunted on the northern plains. Targets are steel, and are a variety of shapes, from a bucket shot off hand at 350 yards, to a life size Buffalo shot at 830 yards. There were 557 competitors at this year’s Quigley Match from nearly all 50 states and a couple of foreign countries. All targets except the bucket are fired at from a sitting position over cross sticks. Most rifles are shot using the Vernier Tang open sights of the period, though there is a class using scopes from the period as well. Russ shot an 1874 Sharps Long Range Express rifle chambered in the 45-90 or 45-2.4” as it is commonly called. This cartridge fires a load of 75 or more grains of black powder behind a 535 grain bullet. Russ said it is a bit abrupt when it goes off!The course of fire consists of 8 shots fired at 6 different targets. Russ said he came a couple of targets from placing in his class, but was more than happy with how it all turned out as it was his very first match using that type of gun and also his first time ever casting his own lead bullets. He said he was most pleased with hitting 3 of the 350 yard offhand targets, and 5 out of 8 buffalo targets at 830 yards. He said that is really a hoot when that big bullet finally gets way out there and actually hits something. Russ said he has an awful lot to learn about the game, but that is half the fun. He said maybe he will have a bit better luck next time after he gets to practice a bit.