Highways 20 and 79 Pavement Repair Project starting
Wed, 08/28/2019 - 11:08am

Crews will begin culvert repairs along Highway 79 from the North Dakota border south for 13 miles and along Highway 20 from 10 miles west of Reva to Prairie City, beginning Thursday, Aug. 22.
The asphalt milling will begin around Sept. 2 on both routes.
The work being done on this project includes full-width asphalt milling, installing a new asphalt surface, and culvert repairs.
During the milling and asphalt resurfacing, traffic will be reduced to one lane during working hours with traffic controlled by flaggers and pilot car. Motorists can expect up to 15-minute delays, suddenly slowing and stopped traffic, uneven or rough surface, and construction equipment and workers adjacent to the roadway.
An 11-foot width restriction will be in place on Highway 79.
The prime contractor on this $8 million project is Anderson Western, Inc. from Bismarck, North Dakota.
The overall completion date for the project is Nov. 1, 2019.